CAMRA's Good Beer Guide
GBG 2025 will be published in September 2024..
The process we use to select our 15 pubs for inclusion is set out below.
CAMRA’s Good Beer Guide lists those pubs which consistently serve the best real ale. All pubs across our Milton Keynes and North Bucks area which serve real ale are eligible to be included. In making our final selection for pubs in GBG (up to the number we are allocated - currently 15) we only use the evidence of beer quality in our pubs provided by CAMRA members over the last 12 month using CAMRA’s National Beer Scoring System – which they mostly submit through CAMRA’s WhatPub.
We do not do any further surveying of beer quality because:
* This eliminates any local bias and the decision does not simply use scores awarded by a few people in a one-off survey.
* Our GBG pubs must have consistent quality over the whole year, not just on the surveyors’ visit.
To further ensure that pubs are chosen in a fair way a minimum of 15 scores by at least 5 different members must have been completed that year.
To see the document setting out the full agreed process, click here: Revised GBG selection process, 2024
If you want to help the Branch choose the GBG pubs, get out and get scoring! Just click on the link to WhatPub on the left hand side, then login and score beer. You will see guidance on what you need to do if you aren’t sure.
Can’t score your beer because you aren’t a CAMRA member? Join CAMRA by clicking on the Join Us link on the left hand side.