Milton Keynes and North Bucks

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Branch Diary

  • Christmas Eve Social 201 Spoons Tuesday 24 December 2024 Wetherspoons

    Christmas Eve Social Midsummer 201 Spoons

    We'll be holding the usual Christmas Eve social at Wetherspoons on Tuesday 24th December from 2pm, it's the last social of the year, probably... so why not come along, all are welcome!

  • January Branch meeting Wednesday 8 January 2025 Chequers

    The January Branch meeting will start at 8pm on Wednesday 8 January at the Chequers in Fenny Stratford (in their back room).

    You are welcome to arrive half an hour (or more!) earlier to drink and socialise beforehand.

    Regular monthly meeting. All members welcome.

  • Branch 2025 AGM Tuesday 4 February 2025 19:30 Stony Stratford Conservative Club

    The 2025 Branch AGM will take place on Tuesday 4 February, starting at 7.30pm (please note the early start time). The AGM will be followed by the regular monthly Branch meeting, All members are not just welcome, but positively encouraged to attend. Please bring your membership card with you.

    Any Branch member who might be interested in any of the positions listed below is encouraged to contact the Branch Chair to discuss their interest (you can email Dave Hayes: ku.gro.armackm@namriahc).

    All Branch officerships and posts are subject to annual election, so the following essential Officer posts will be elected at the AGM: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Pub Data Co-ordinator, Good Beer Guide Submissions Co-ordinator, Pub Protection Officer, Pub Promotions and Awards Co-ordinator, Media Contact, Branch Accounts Examiner.

    Other important posts that can be filled are: Vice Chair, Social Secretary, Website Co-ordinator, Social Media Co-ordinator, Meeter & Greeter, Beer Scores Co-ordinator, Young Members Contact You can see a full list of all posts here: Branch posts to fill at AGM

  • February Branch Meeting Tuesday 4 February 2025 Stony Stratford Conservative Club

    The February Branch meeting will take place on Tuesday 4 February at the Conservative Club in Stony Stratford, immediately following the AGM - which will commence at 7.30pm

    Regular monthly meeting. All members welcome.

  • March Branch Meeting Thursday 6 March 2025 New Bradwell Sports Association

    The March Branch meeting will start at 8pm on Thursday 6 March at New Bradwell Sports Association in New Bradwell.

    You are welcome to arrive half an hour (or more!) earlier to drink and socialise beforehand.

    Regular monthly meeting. All members welcome.

  • Postponed: 40 year presentation at Station Tavern Woburn Sands Monday 31 March 2025 Station Tavern

    Please ignore the date here!! We have postponed until a future date in 2025 the Presentation of a long service award (40 years!) to the publicans at Station Tavern, Woburn Sands.

    All will be welcome to attend.

  • April Branch Meeting Tuesday 1 April 2025

    The April Branch meeting will start at 8pm onTuesday 1 April at the Bell Hotel, Winslow (in the "snug").

    You are welcome to arrive half an hour (or more!) earlier to drink and socialise beforehand.

    Regular monthly meeting. All members welcome.

  • May Branch Meeting Wednesday 7 May 2025

    The May Branch meeting will start at 8pm on Wednesday 7 May at a venue to be decided.

    You are welcome to arrive half an hour (or more!) earlier to drink and socialise beforehand.

    Regular monthly meeting. All members welcome.

  • June Branch Meeting Monday 2 June 2025

    The June Branch meeting will start at 8pm on Monday 2 June at a venue to be decided.

    You are welcome to arrive half an hour (or more!) earlier to drink and socialise beforehand.

    Regular monthly meeting. All members welcome.

  • July Branch Meeting Thursday 3 July 2025

    The July Branch meeting will start at 8pm on Thursday 3 July at a venue to be decided.

    You are welcome to arrive half an hour (or more!) earlier to drink and socialise beforehand.

    Regular monthly meeting. All members welcome.

  • August Branch Meeting Monday 4 August 2025 20:00

    The August Branch meeting will start at 8pm on Monday 4 August at a venue to be decided.

    You are welcome to arrive half an hour (or more!) earlier to drink and socialise beforehand.

    Regular monthly meeting. All members welcome.

  • September Branch meeting Thursday 4 September 2025 20:00

    The September Branch meeting will start at 8pm on Monday 2 September at a venue to be decided.

    You are welcome to arrive half an hour (or more!) earlier to drink and socialise beforehand.

    Regular monthly meeting. All members welcome.

  • October Branch meeting Monday 6 October 2025 20:00

    The October Branch meeting will start at 8pm on Monday 6 October at a venue to be decided.

    You are welcome to arrive half an hour (or more!) earlier to drink and socialise beforehand.

    Regular monthly meeting. All members welcome.

    Our regular monthly meeting. All members welcome.
  • November Branch meeting Tuesday 4 November 2025 20:00

    The November Branch meeting will start at 8pm on Tuesday 4 November at a venue to be decided

    You are welcome to arrive early and stay afterwards to socialise.

    Regular monthly meeting. All members welcome.

    Our regular monthly meeting. All members welcome.