Milton Keynes and North Bucks

CAMRA's Handpump Hijack campaign

Handpump Hijack Campaign

CAMRA's ‘Handpump Hijack’ campaign aims to educate consumers about the misleading dispense of beer, in reaction to the launch of ‘Fresh Ale’ by Carlsberg Marston’s Brewing Company.

At present, the ‘Fresh Ale’ range are keg versions of three of CMBC’s cask beers – Wainwright Amber, Wainwright Gold and Hobgoblin IPA – which will be served to consumers through handpumps on the bar. CMBC have stated that they intend to increase the number of ‘Fresh Ale’ versions from their portfolio of cask beers.

This is misleading dispense, and CAMRA's Real Ale, Cider and Perry Campaigns Committee have agreed a campaigning strategy in response.

It is very important that we hear if any publican has been asked to take "Fresh Ale" (as we'd like to stop its introduction) and even more important for members to tell us if this appears in any pub they visit - it will be served from a handpump, which will (or should!) have a label on it saying "Brewery conditioned" or "Fresh Ale". If you hear or see anything along these lines, contact a CAMRA rep or your Branch Chair, Dave Hayes straight away.

It will probably look like this:

Marstons Brewery-Conditioned Ale

The black rectangular sign at the bottom of the handpump asserts "Brewery Conditioned Ale"

Click here Handjump Hijack campaign. Update for a list of venues that serve Carlsberg Marston beers either regularly or from time to time, so may be likely to be encouraged by their beer rep to introduce these beers. It doesn’t mean they will do but there is a good chance they will be encouraged to do so.