Milton Keynes and North Bucks

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Branch 2025 AGM

Tuesday 4 February 2025 19:30

The 2025 Branch AGM will take place on Tuesday 4 February, starting at 7.30pm (please note the early start time). The AGM will be followed by the regular monthly Branch meeting, All members are not just welcome, but positively encouraged to attend. Please bring your membership card with you.

Any Branch member who might be interested in any of the positions listed below is encouraged to contact the Branch Chair to discuss their interest (you can email Dave Hayes: ku.gro.armackm@namriahc).

All Branch officerships and posts are subject to annual election, so the following essential Officer posts will be elected at the AGM: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Pub Data Co-ordinator, Good Beer Guide Submissions Co-ordinator, Pub Protection Officer, Pub Promotions and Awards Co-ordinator, Media Contact, Branch Accounts Examiner.

Other important posts that can be filled are: Vice Chair, Social Secretary, Website Co-ordinator, Social Media Co-ordinator, Meeter & Greeter, Beer Scores Co-ordinator, Young Members Contact You can see a full list of all posts here: Branch posts to fill at AGM